json2csvcmd - JSON to CSV Converter


Use this command line tool to convert JSON files to CSV format


json2csvcmd [-h] [-i] [-o] [-e] [-d] [-k] [-l] [-N] [-X] [-U] [-S] [-c] [-L] [-V]

Optional Arguments

Arguments available via the --help flag:

-h, --help        show this help message and exit
-i , --infile     JSON file/URL to convert.
-o , --outfile    CSV file to be written
-e , --encoding   Set the encoding type.
-d, --dump        Dump Config settings to file.
-k , --key        Key value of target array in file.
-l , --limit      Limit total lines written to CSV.
-N, --noheading   Skip the headers.
-X, --xlsx        Export CSV to Excel(xlsx).
-U, --uselargest  Use largest array.
-S, --suppress    Suppress line breaks.
-c , --config     Config filename to load and use.
-L, --lines       Input file is JSON Lines format
-V, --verbose     Output helpful messages

-h –help

View help or available parameters using --help:

json2csvcmd --help

-i –infile

You must pass the tool either a web url or a file path and you must use the -i or --infile parameter followed by the input as shown in the below. In the first example, we are loading a .json file that is located in the c:data folder. In the second example, we are loading directly from an example website URL:

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json
json2csvcmd -i http://www.example.com/example.json`

-o –outfile

The -o or --outfile parameter sets the file in which to save the converted results. If no parameter is set, then the output is written to the screen (also known as the console or stdout):

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json -o converted.csv

json2csvcmd -i http://www.example.com/example.json

-e –encoding

In order to specify an encoding type for the file, pass the -e or --encoding parameter. The most common encoding types are UTF-8 and UTF-16. By default, the encoding will be determined for you.

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json -e utf-8
json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json --encoding utf-16
json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json

-d –dump

The -d or --dump parameter essentially tells the converter to save the configuration file used in the conversion. The configuration file can be exported every time a conversion is performed. There is always a default configuration:

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json -o c:\data\converted.csv -d

json2csvcmd -i http://www.example.com/example.json --dump

-k –key

The -k or --key flag will generate a keyed JSON file based on the key passed via the flag, pass a column number or name to identify the column.:

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -k id_column

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -k 3

-l –limit

The -l or --limit flag will limit the number of rows written to the CSV file. If no parameter is passed, the converter will write the entire file. This value must be a number. This parameter will not affect the headers.

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\converted.csv -l 50

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\converted.csv --limit 10

-N –noheading

Do not write column headings to the output file. The default value is to include headers.

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\converted.csv -N

-X –xlsx

This flag will allow the user to export to Excel (.xlsx) instead of to CSV.

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -X

-U –uselargest

There are some json data formats that are multilayered, and the first value set may not be the intended set to convert. The -U or --uselargest parameter will tell the converter to focus on whichever parameter set repeats the most amount of times (and is therefore the largest, and likely target of conversion):

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json -o converted.csv -U

json2csvcmd -i c:\data\example.json -o converted.csv --uselargest

-S –suppress

This parameter will suppress line breaks from the output data. More technically, it will remove any carriage returns and line feeds from the data. The default is to allow line breaks:

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\converted.csv -S

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\converted.csv --suppress

-c –config

The configuration file used in the conversion is either created at runtime, or passed to the converter before the conversion begins. The -c or --config flag will load a configuration file to used if a path is passed:

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\myoutput.csv -c c:\myconfig.txt

-L –lines

The -L or --lines flag will tell the converter that the input file is in JSON lines format while doing the conversion:

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\myoutput.csv -L

json2csvcmd -i c:\example.json -o c:\myoutput.csv --lines

-V –verbose

The -V or --verbose flag will output useful messages as the program runs:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -V