csv2xmlcmd - CSV to XML Converter


Use this command line tool to convert CSV files to XML format


csv2xmlcmd [-h] [-i] [-o] [-e] [-N] [-c] [-P] [-d] [-T] [-f] [-t] [-r] [-ex] [-l] [-V]

Optional Arguments

Arguments available via the --help flag:

-h,  --help          show this help messag and exit, also /? and -?
-i,  --infile        JSON input - file, URL, or stdin
-o,  --outfile       Output file, console if not specified
-e,  --encoding      Set the encoding type.
-ho, --headover      Override CSV header with comma separated heading
-N,  --noheader      No heading in CSV input file
-c,  --config        Config filename to load and use.
-P,  --pretty        Pretty format output
-d,  --delimiter     Delimiter of csv input, use -T for tab
-T,  --tab           Tab is input delimiter. Overrides -d
-f,  --fields        Fields to include, starting at 1, ex. 3,2,1
-t,  --topname       Name of top XML element, default root
-r,  --rowname       Name of repeating row element, default row
-ex, --exclude       Fields to exclude, starting at 1, ex. 3-5
-l,  --limit         Limit total lines written to output.
-nf, --nulls         Fields to convert "null" string to empty value. Default is all fields
-nx, --exnulls       Fields to not convert "null" string to empty value
-V,  --verbose       Output helpful messages 

-h –help

View help or available parameters using --help:

csv2xmlcmd --help

-i –infile

You must pass the tool either a file path, or a web url and you must use the -i or --infile parameter followed by the input as shown in the below. In the first example, we are loading a .json file that is saved in the c:data folder. In the second example, we are loading directly from an example website URL:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\data\example.csv
csv2xmlcmd -i http://www.example.com/example.csv`

-o –outfile

The -o or --outfile parameter sets the file in which to save the converted results. If no parameter is set, then the output is written to the screen:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -o c:\converted.xml

csv2xmlcmd -i http://www.example.com/example.csv  -o c:\converted.xml

-e –encoding

In order to specify an encoding type for the file, pass the -e or --encoding parameter. The most common encoding types are UTF-8 and UTF-16. By default the encoding will be determined for you.

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\data\example.csv -e utf-8
csv2xmlcmd -i c:\data\example.csv --encoding utf-16
csv2xmlcmd -i c:\data\example.csv

-N –noheader

Pass this to indicate the input CSV file has no column headings. The default value is to assume headers are in the input file.

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -o c:\converted.xml -N

-c –config

The configuration file used in the conversion is either created at runtime, or passed to the converter before the conversion begins. The -c or --config flag will load a configuration file to used if a path is passed:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -o c:\myoutput.xml -c c:\myconfig.txt

-P –pretty

The -P or --pretty flag will format the output into a pretty format:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -P

-d –delimiter

The -D or --delimiter flag will allow the user to pass the type of delimiter in the CSV file. If not passed, then the delimiter will be determined for you.:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -d '-'

In order to pass Tab as the delimiter, use -T as the parameter to override the delimiter:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -T

-f –fields

The -f or --fields flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to include:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -f 3,2,1

-ex –exclude

The -ex or --exclude flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to exclude:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv" -ex 3-5

-t –topname

The -t or --topname flag sets the name of top XML element. The default is root:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv" -t basic

-r –rowname

The -r or --rowname flag sets the name of repeating row element. The default is row:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv" -r fieldname

-l –limit

The -l or --limit flag will limit the number of rows used in the CSV file. If no parameter is passed, the converter will write the entire file. This value must be a number. This parameter will not affect the headers.

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -l 10

-V –verbose

The -V or --verbose flag will output useful messages as the program runs:

csv2xmlcmd -i c:\example.csv -V