csv2jsoncmd - CSV to JSON Converter


Use this command line tool to convert CSV files to JSON format.


csv2jsoncmd [-h] [-i] [-o] [-e] [-N] [-d] [-sk] [-c] [-L] [-k] [-A] [-P] [-d] [-T] [-f] [-ex] [-nf] [-nx] [-l] [-V]

Optional Arguments

Arguments available via the --help flag:

-h, --help            Show this help message and exit
-i, --infile          JSON input file, URL, or folder
-o, --outfile         Output file, console if not specified
-e, --encoding        Set the encoding type.
-ho, --headover       Override CSV header with comma separated heading
-N, --noheader        No heading in CSV input file
-d, --delimiter       Delimiter of csv input, use -T for tab
-sk, --skip           Skip N top lines in input file
-c, --config          Config filename to load and use.
-L, --lines           Generate Output file as JSON Lines format
-k, --key             Generate keyed JSON, pass column # to identify column
-t, --topname         Identify top level property name that appears at top of output.
-A, --array           Generate JSON arrays
-P, --pretty          Pretty format output
-T, --tab             Tab is input delimiter. Overrides -d
-f, --fields          Fields to include, starting at 1, ex. 3,2,1
-ex, --exclude        Fields to exclude, starting at 1, ex. 3-5
-nf, --nulls          Fields to convert NULL string to null, starting at 1, ex. 3,2,1
-nx, --exnulls        Fields to not convert NULL string to null, starting at 1, ex. 3-5
-l,  --limit          Limit total lines written to output.
-V,  --verbose        Output helpful messages

-h –-help

View help or available parameters using --help:

csv2jsoncmd --help

-i –-infile FILENAME

You may pass the tool either a file name or web url and you must use the -i or --infile parameter followed by the input as shown in the below. In the first example, we are loading a .json file that is saved in the c:data folder. In the second example, we are loading directly from an example website URL. If you don’t specify a data source, then stdin is used.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\data\example.csv
csv2jsoncmd -i http://www.example.com/example.csv`

-o –-outfile FILENAME

The -o or --outfile parameter sets the file in which to save the converted results. If no parameter is set, then the output is written to the screen (stdout):

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -o c:\converted.json

csv2jsoncmd -i http://www.example.com/example.csv  -o c:\converted.json

-e –-encoding ENCODING

In order to specify an encoding type for the file, pass the -e or --encoding parameter. The most common encoding types are UTF-8 and UTF-16. If nothing is passed, the software will guess the encoding.

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -e utf-8

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv --encoding utf-16

-d –-delimiter DELIMITER

The -D or --delimiter flag will allow the user to pass the type of delimiter in the CSV file. By default, the delimiter is determined for you.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -d ;

In order to pass the pipe |as the delimiter, use -d "|" as the parameter:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -d "|"

In order to pass Tab as the delimiter, use -T as the parameter to override the delimiter:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -T

-ho –-headover

The JSON keys are based on the CSV column headers, so you can use this to override the headers and hence change the JSON keys:

csv2jsoncmd -i example.csv -ho pk,company,charge,comment

-N –-noheader

This flag indicates the input CSV file has no headers. Without this flag we assume a header row is present. If the input has no column headings, then we create our own column headers for the JSON output:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -N


The configuration file used in the conversion is either created at runtime, or passed to the converter before the conversion begins. The -c or --config flag will load a configuration file to used if a path is passed:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -c c:\config\myconfig.txt

-sk -–skip N

Skip top N lines of the input file.

csv2jsoncmd -i c:example.csv -sk 1

-L -–lines

The -L or --lines flag will generate the output file using the JSON lines format:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -L

-k –-key KEY

The -k or --key flag will generate a keyed JSON file based on the key passed via the flag, pass a column number to identify a column. You want to choose a column that is unique.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -k "valueA"

-t –-topname TOPNAME

The -i or --topname will add a top level property name to the output :

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -t users

-A –-array

The -A or --array flag will generate JSON arrays based on the file structure:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -A

-P -–pretty

The -P or --pretty flag will format the output into a pretty format:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -P

-f –-fields FIELD_SPEC

The -f or --fields flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to include. You can either specify the column number (starting at 1) or the field name based on the header. You can use a range with field numbers, i.e. 2-6 , which indicates fields 2 through 6.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -f 3,2,1

-ex -–exclude FIELD_SPEC

The -ex or --exclude flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to exclude. The field list starts with 1. In the example below, we are excluding field 3,4, and 5.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:example.csv -ex 3-5

-nf –-nulls FIELD_SPEC

The -nf or --nulls flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to include when converting a NULL or null string to JSON null. By default all fields are converted. You can either specify the column number (starting at 1) or the field name based on the header. You can use a range with field numbers, i.e. 2-6 , which indicates fields 2 through 6.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -nf 3,2,1

-nx –-exnulls FIELD_SPEC

The -ex or --exnulls flag allows you to specifically set which field columns to exclude automatic conversion of NULL or null to a null JSON value. The field list starts with 1. In the example below, we are excluding field 3,4, and 5.:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -nx 3-5

-l -–limit N

The -l or --limit flag will limit the number of rows used in the CSV file. If no parameter is passed, the converter will write the entire file. This value must be a number. This parameter will not affect the headers.

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -l 10

-V –-verbose

The -V or --verbose flag will output useful messages as the program runs:

csv2jsoncmd -i c:\example.csv -V