Secure and easy CSV Data Conversion Buy ConvertCSV a Coffee at

Special Features

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Convert to/from
HTML, JSON, XML Text, KML, YAML, MediaWiki, Markdown
plus many more.

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CSV Viewer and Editor
can read or edit any Excel file.
Including large files.

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Copy and paste Excel data
into our tools as Tab separated (TSV). Read and Convert Excel to CSV automatically.

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Use SQL to query CSV
and write to CSV or JSON.
Field separators auto-detect mode is default.

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Extract emails
or URLs from web pages.
Write the data to CSV.

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Query or Sort CSV
Filter data to include/exclude records. Order data either alphabetically or numerically.

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Optional double or single quotes
around values. All double/single-quotes can be treated as data

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Backslash escaping support
for input data.

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CSV Template Engine
Built-in Scripting Engine for custom output

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Checks for correctness of CSV files and JSON and XML

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Fully supports
RFC 4180 CSV standard.

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Data privacy is assured.
Our tools run on the completely on the client-side. your data never leaves your computer


What is CSV?
Comma Separated Values (CSV) is a format for tabular data in a plain text file. Each data value is separated by a comma. If the value contains a comma (delimiter), line break, or double-quote, then the value is enclosed by double-quotes. If the value is surrounded by double-quotes and contains a double-quote then each embedded double-quote is doubled to two double-quotes. This tool also support the popular tab-delimited (TSV) data format used by Excel, and other delimiters such a colon, semi-colon, caret, spaces, and vertical bar.

1,"Johnson, Smith, and Jones Co.",345.33,Pays on time
2,"Sam ""Mad Dog"" Smith",993.44,

Is my data secure?
Yes, your data never leaves your computer and all processing occurs on your computer.

Do you have command-line tools (CLI) or Desktop Tools?
Yes - we now have both Command Line Tools and Windows Desktop software for JSON to CSV, JSON to XML, XML to CSV, YAML to CSV, and more. Products for more information.

Do you have an API?
Yes, most of the conversions here are now available at - We have customers that run millions of transactions per month.

How do I use this tool with Excel data?
You may copy cells from Excel and paste into this tool or Choose File and open the file and the first tab is used for data. All tools that output CSV also output Excel.

How do I force Excel to import a number to text?
This is a common problem in Excel when reading CSV files and not using the Import Text Wizard. When Excel determines a field is a numeric value, it automatically formats the field as numeric. Placing double-quotes around the field does not help, neither does adding spaces around the number. The only method that works is starting the field with a equal sign and then double-quoting the field. If the value has a comma though, then you must follow the CSV rules and enclose in double quotes.
Our tools will read and write fields formatted with beginning equal signs. See the CSV-to-Delimited tool to prepare your CSV files for Excel.

For developers - What is the CSV MIME type?
The quick answer is "text/csv" but for best results, use this in your web pages:

Content-Type: text/csv; name=“filename.csv”
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=“filename.csv”

Care is taken to ensure that data transformations are correct, but we neither warrant, represent, guarentee, nor accept any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any inconsistencies herein.